When my daughter started elementary school, I heard other moms in the schoolyard talk in hushed tones about classrooms rumored to have active headlice and nit cases. I wondered why everyone was so secretive and dreaded finding out about lice in my daughter's classroom.
I was very squeamish and always disliked bugs. I remembered having a terrible lice experience as a child. I tried to remain calm. I wondered if I would be able to handle this 'lice thing.' Then it happened: My daughter's classroom became a lice-incubating nightmare! Almost every child in the class was infested with head lice. When I checked my daughter and saw live lice scurrying around her head and nits glued to her hair, I wanted to faint. At the pharmacy, all I could find was an Over-The-Counter headlice treatment. I felt awful about using it on my daughter. My family is committed to living as green a lifestyle as possible, but I truly felt that I had no other option. I was in panic mode and wasn't thinking clearly. I knew nothing about lice or how to get rid of them. Every time we would get rid of the lice, they would reappear weeks later. The infestation cycled through the classroom for several more months.
I started to become obsessed with lice and their life cycle. I wanted to find out how to get rid of headlice once and for all. I ordered every natural lice product on the market, but some did not work and others my daughter hated. We were all exhausted by the endless comb-outs with various nit combs that would often break, along with all of the laundry and housework that accompanied our prolonged battle with lice. I was truly at my wits end! I decided then that I never, ever wanted to find my family and friends in this situation again.
I researched everything possible about head lice treatments and lice prevention. The rest is history. I formulated LiceLogic, a line of natural and non-toxic lice products, with the help of leading chemists and entomologists. Today, LiceLogic is a full line of effective and safe lice treatment and prevention products loved by both kids and moms. LiceLogic products are independently tested and shown to be 99% effective.
I am happy to report that my family has never had to deal with lice again after the development of LiceLogic. I know exactly what needs to be done to nip lice infestation in the bud. I have gotten over my initial bug phobia and helped countless moms rid their children of headlice. This knowledge helps me feel empowered and I love sharing it in the hope of removing the shroud of secrecy, embarrassment and stigma that so many people feel when battling lice infestation.
I am here to help you too!